Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why you need to start preparing now

Where were you on January 28, 2013? Were you warm at home? Did you sleep in your car? Were you snowed in at Chick-Fil-A headquarters where you could eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted?

I got a phone call at about 12:40 pm from my fiance. I knew snow was coming and traffic would get bad, but I didn't think the city would shut down. That's the key. I didn't think that would happen.


I didn't think that would happen. 

Of course we're more prepared now. I assume if snow is in the forecast, the city will preemptively shut down and go dark. But that doesn't excuse any of us from being ready. Because something can happen we don't think it will happen.

Again, the key is:

We. don't. think. it. will. happen. 

So on what could be 2015's "January 28" - we will be ready. But that doesn't mean we will get it right every other day of the year.

So now is the time to be prepared.
AAA Car Emergency Kit
Get a kit together
Read up on car emergency kits.This AAA kit is cheap and includes the basics. But don't stop there. Think critically. What can you add to those kits that will help in the event of another ice-forced gridlock?

Determine your route home
I'm lucky because Google Maps told me to take side streets home. I didn't get stuck on the freeways and took a slightly less congested route home. But next time I might not be so lucky. I'm preparing my route now.

Get your information sources lined up
Some predicted the storm without problem. Others neglected responsibility. What are you going to pay attention to this year?

So cheers to you for thinking ahead, and prep on, my friends.

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